Gibbs sampler for Bayesian prediction of triple seasonal autoregressive processes

In this paper we use the Gibbs sampling algorithm to present a Bayesian prediction of multiplicative triple seasonal autoregressive (TSAR) models.

Full Bayesian Analysis of Triple Seasonal Autoregressive Models

In this paper we use the Gibbs sampling algorithm to present a full Bayesian analysis of multiplicative triple seasonal autoregressive (TSAR) models.

Full Bayesian analysis of double seasonal autoregressive models with real applications

In this paper we use the Gibbs sampling algorithm to present a full Bayesian analysis to multiplicative double seasonal autoregressive (DSAR) models.

Analysing the Factors Affecting the Cost of Health Insurance in Egyptian Market

This research paper aims to analyze the factors influencing the cost of health insurance in Egypt, with a focus on the private healthcare sector.

Bayesian Identification Procedure for Triple Seasonal Autoregressive Models

In this paper, we present a Bayesian procedure to identify the order of TSAR models.

Bayesian Subset Selection of Seasonal Autoregressive Models

In this paper, we introduce a Bayesian method for selecting the most promising subset of the seasonal autoregressive (SAR) models.

Bayesian Inference of Triple Seasonal Autoregressive Models

In this paper we extend autoregressive models to fit time series that have three layers of seasonality, i.e. triple seasonal autoregressive (TSAR) models, and we introduce the Bayesian inference for these TSAR models.

A Kullback-Leibler divergence based comparison of approximate Bayesian estimations of ARMA models

We first review the analytic approximations proposed to approximate the posterior of ARMA models. We use the Kullback-Leibler divergence to study the relation between these analytic approximations.

Gibbs Sampling for Bayesian Estimation of Triple Seasonal Autoregressive Models

In this paper we use the Gibbs sampling algorithm to present a Bayesian estimation to multiplicative triple seasonal autoregressive (TSAR) models.

Socio-economic determinants of mothers' health care in Egypt (in Arabic)

This research aims to identify the social and economic determinants of mothers' access to health care (during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum) to reduce maternal mortality in Egypt. The study relied on the data of the Egypt Population Health …